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Trade Show Exhibit Information from IGE Group —

Are Using Touch Screens in a Exhibit a Good Idea?

steel series digital screens trade show exhibit

One of the most effective ways to get people to stop by your trade show exhibit and stay a while is with touch screen displays. People love touch screens. Look at any line or waiting area and you’re bound to see people on their mobile devices. There is something soothing about swiping up and down, left and right. In fact, this article from Higher Perspectives says that the way you swipe can reveal the type of personality you have!

Knowing that people enjoy using touch screens, especially when keeping themselves entertained, is all the reason you need to include them in your custom trade show exhibit. Let’s dive into the reasons why trade show touch screens are a brilliant addition to your booth and ideas to get started.

Benefits of Using Touch Screens in Your Custom Exhibit

  • Keep visitors engaged. If someone has to wait too long to speak with you, they may end up leaving. Touch screens keep visitors engaged so that you have more time to chat with everyone without feeling pressured.
  • Increase lead generation. Let visitors sign up for your newsletter while they wait. It’s common for people to turn down these offers because they don’t want to fill out their information. But, if they’re waiting, why not?
  • Be memorable. Attendees get tired of walking around and hearing similar sales pitches. Set your booth apart by offering games and other interactive activities where visitors can play and have a great time. Your booth will stand out – and so will your brand.
  • Show a different perspective. Not all products or services are easy to demonstrate in person. Let visitors experience your product by using touch screens. This will bring your product to life and make it more fun and memorable.

How to Use Touch Screens in Your Displays

Touch screen technology is more than a way to kill time. These small screens have endless possibilities. Here are a few to spark your creativity.

  • Product demonstrations. Show a small group how your product or service works using a touch screen. This is an effective way to capture their interest compared to talking and showing pictures. Let guests participate in the demonstration.
  • Gamification. One of the latest trends is gamification. People love playing games and are naturally attracted to them. Create positive customer-brand connections by offering a fun game such as Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune. Prizes make it more fun!
  • Self-service information. Some people prefer learning about businesses on their own. Use touch screens to provide information on your product or service, such as by featuring photo galleries, upcoming schedules and interactive documents.
  • Slideshow presentations. Slideshows are an efficient way to deliver key information, but they can also be boring and tedious. Shake things up by adding touch screen video walls to your presentation. Zoom in and out, display charts and graphs and deliver slides in a captivating way.

Back to the original question: are touch screens a good idea for your exhibit? We surely think so! We hope we have given you some great ideas to work this technology into your custom trade show exhibit.