Trade Show Information from IGE Group —
Best Tips to Save Money at Trade Shows Without Sacrificing a Thing

Be First In Line
Trade shows can be an expensive endeavor, so it’s important to know how best to save money at trade shows. If you’ve exhibited before, you know that most shows offer discounts for exhibitors who book early. In many cases, you’ll get a preferential choice of booth space and additional space outside the booth. At some shows, booking early and making a panel pitch increases your chances of being accepted. You may even be able to schedule time in the show’s public demo spaces by asking early on. Keep track of the deadlines for the shows you plan to attend, so you never miss an opportunity for savings. Once your space is booked, and any appearances or special events are approved, you’ll have extra time to mount a pre-show marketing campaign that will bring in all the qualified prospects your team needs for big success!
Travel Savings
When thinking about travel savings, you may be able to get discounted hotel rates through the show. Booking a block of rooms for your team all at once is another way to save money on hotel costs. Ask about the hotel’s cancellation policy, and book one more room than you expect to need. Keep track of the deadline for canceling the extra room without a penalty. One important bit of cost-saving advice: beware the temptation of non-refundable flights. Any bookings you make in advance that cannot be transferred to another person (like plane tickets) should be refundable. You’re planning a year in advance, and sometimes, life happens.
Bulk Purchasing
Often, we see companies handing out literature or giveaway items that include a date or a specific show’s identity. While those can add to the exclusive feel of the items, they can also be more costly than you might initially think, since they’re not very useful after that show or date is past. The less obvious cost of ordering that way is that you will order smaller batches, which typically come at a higher per-piece cost. If your company plans a year ahead and orders in batches as big as the budget allows, you’ll get the best price per item and you won’t need to worry about them “going stale.”
Take Advantage Of The Best Trade Show Marketing Tips
Planning ahead offers your company plenty of chances to slim down costs while making training, preparation, and logistics easier, and, ultimately, making your entire trade show marketing program more effective and profitable.